Have you ordered your 2025 Wildcat Classic shirt yet? See a member of the Freshman Class or contact Jessica Clements (jclements@slaterschools.net) BEFORE Tuesday morning (1/21/25) to have your shirt at the Classic! S-L-A...
21 days ago, Jessica Clements
Classic Shirt Orders
2025 shirt design
Tonight's JV Girls Basketball Game at Higbee has been cancelled.
28 days ago, Jessica Clements
Slater Schools will not be in session on Friday, January 10. We'll see you on Monday, Wildcats!
28 days ago, Jessica Clements
No school
SCCC students: Marshall will have an Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) day on Friday, 1/10/25. You will need to check your email/Google Classroom for assignments & are responsible for the completion of this work. You will not travel to SCCC on 1/10.
29 days ago, Jessica Clements
Slater Schools will have a Late Start tomorrow - Friday, January 10. Doors Open: 9:40 Start Time: 9:50 No Breakfast will be served. SCCC students will not travel to SCCC.
29 days ago, Jessica Clements
Late Start Friday, January 10
Slater Schools will not be in session on Thursday, January 9. Varsity G/B Basketball v. Macon County will start at 5:30 pm in the home gym.
about 1 month ago, Jessica Clements
1.9.25 no school
Saline County Career Center (SCCC) students: Marshall will have Alternative Methods of Instruction (AMI) days on Wednesday & Thursday. You will need to check your email for assignments & are responsible for the completion of this work. You will not travel to SCCC on 1/8 or 1/9.
about 1 month ago, Jessica Clements
Slater Schools will not be in session on Wednesday, January 8. (SCCC students will not travel, per District protocol.) The JV Boys basketball game scheduled for 1/8/25 has been canceled as well. Stay warm!
about 1 month ago, Jessica Clements
Snow Day 1/8
Slater Schools will not be in session tomorrow, Tuesday, January 7. Stay safe & warm, Wildcats!
about 1 month ago, Jessica Clements
snow man
Slater Schools will not be in session on Monday, January 6. Stay safe & warm, Wildcats!
about 1 month ago, Jessica Clements
Snow Day
Due to a scheduled power outage with the City of Slater on Elm Street, Slater Schools will begin releasing students at 2:20 today. We will dismiss walkers, car riders, and drivers as well as any parents who wish to pick their children up early. Bus riders will meet in the library & depart at their regular time. Students are fine to stay until the regular 3:04 dismissal. They will remain supervised and with their scheduled teachers. Please note: the power outage will disable our phone system. Elementary calls should go to 660-815-7751. High School calls should go to 660-631-5298.
3 months ago, Jessica Clements
Slater PreK teacher BREANNA PRESLEY is giving today's Staff Shout Out to SHS Counselor LAUREN CREWS - Thanks for everything you do for us, Mrs. Crews! Who else deserves a shout out? Tell us about it: https://forms.gle/4cV77JortT6NSHDA9
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
Lauren Crews
Good afternoon, Wildcats! For a short week, we sure have a lot going on: Monday: Eligibility List runs, 1st quarter grades finalized Tuesday: FFA National Convention departure, Meats Team sendoff Wednesday: CAC Honor Choir Thursday: Early Dismissal, Parent/Teacher Conferences @Gym 1-6 pm Friday: No School, Senior Recognition before game (6:20 +/-) Saturday: After Prom Haunted House @Gym You can read all about these events AND MORE in this week's SHS WILDCAT ROAR: https://secure.smore.com/n/t5j8n-shs-wildcat-student-roar
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
Fall Conferences
FB, Cheer Sr.  Rec
We're wrapping up our week with a STAFF SHOUT OUT for JH English teacher & A+ Sponsor CHERYL ANDERSON! Do you know someone who deserves a shout out? Tell us about it: https://forms.gle/4cV77JortT6NSHDA9
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
Cheryl Anderson
Your 2024 Missouri Champion FFA Meats Team (Ben Gochenour, RJ Pannell, Conner Reeves, Tytan Wiseman) are leaving to compete at the FFA NATIONAL CONVENTION this Tuesday, October 22! Join us at 8:00 am for a Fire Truck send off to wish them luck! Let's line Morgan Street!
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
FFA Send off
Today's Staff Shout Out goes to 2nd Grade Teacher and SHS Cheer Coach BRITTANY BUTLER! Do you know someone who deserves a shout out? Tell us about it: https://forms.gle/4cV77JortT6NSHDA9
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
Brittany Butler
Today's STAFF SHOUT OUT goes to SHS Principal JESSICA CLEMENTS. Thank you for your kind words, DW! Do you know someone who deserves a shout out? Tell us about it: https://forms.gle/4cV77JortT6NSHDA9
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
Jessica Clements
Today's STAFF SHOUT OUT goes to SHS English Teacher GEOFF BUTLER. Thank you, Mr. Butler! Do you know someone who deserves a shout out? Tell us about it: https://forms.gle/4cV77JortT6NSHDA9
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
Geoff Butler
Happy Monday, Wildcats! Check out this STAFF SHOUT OUT for SHS Science Teacher & Softball Coach TEFFANY SAMPLE. We think she's pretty special! Do you know someone who deserves a shout out? Tell us about it: https://forms.gle/4cV77JortT6NSHDA9
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
Teffany Sample
Happy Sunday, HS Wildcats! It's another busy week this week with classwork, the NHS-hosted blood drive on Tuesday, Softball on the road for regular season & Districts, home football returns home for our Pink Week game, & ...the Slater Fall Festival. Read all about it in this week's SHS WILDCAT ROAR: https://secure.smore.com/n/jf065-shs-wildcat-roar
4 months ago, Jessica Clements
Good thoughts